
Rainbow Access Initiative, Inc. (RAI) is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes to increase the accessibility of health and human services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community and their families, with particular
emphasis on underserved populations.

RAI is an all-volunteer organization that seeks to inform and educate health care and human service professionals in the unique aspects of LGBTQ specific health issues, and to inform and educate the LGBTQ public about options they have in obtaining culturally-competent treatment. Please look around – we have a great deal of information here from which to become better informed. Be sure to sign up for our e-mail newsletter while you are here.

RAI is guided by a Board of Directors representing a diverse membership, including independent clinicians who serve the LGBT community, various health and human service agencies, and local businesses in the capital district.

The original program was developed under the direction of Arlene (“Ari”) Istar Lev
and funded through a series of grants from the New York State Department of Health.


Rainbow Access Initiative’s (RAI) vision is the elimination of barriers between health and human service providers and the disenfranchised community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people.


Rainbow Access Initiative’s mission is to ensure that comprehensive physical and mental health care and human services are provided to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) community and their families. RAI is particularly dedicated to underserved populations including people of color, people with disabilities, and those living in rural areas. We will achieve this mission through the establishment of a two-tiered educational program: one for LGBT consumers, and one for providers.


RAI’s operations and activities are open to anyone interested in learning more about us. We meet every month. For details about our next meeting and a copy of our agenda, please contact the President of the Board. A copy of our by-laws is available upon request, and documents pertaining to our funding sources are also available. If you would like a copy of our current financial statement, grants, or any other financial data, please contact our Treasurer.

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